This film by Klara Harden, found via Got A Girl Crush, documents her 25 day solo trek through Iceland and brought back such wonderful memories of when I visited in 2007.
MADE IN ICELAND from Klara Harden on Vimeo
An amazing achievement and so beautifully captured.
I only had a couple of chances to leave the capital Rekjavik to see some of the amazing Icelandic landscape - it really is like you're on another planet.
Rekjavic by night |
Despite spending most of my time exploring the city the few glimpses of nature I did get have stayed with me since. Particularly the other-wordly colours - the vivid blue of the glacial waters, acid greens & yellows of the vegetation and the black volcanic earth. This film has definitely reminded me how much I would like to go back - this time in the summer, I visited in February - and see more.
I am most jealous, Iceland is on my travel wish-list.